It may be natural for men’s hair to thin out over time, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it. Today, there are more ways to combat hair loss than ever before. So, if you’ve noticed that your strands are looking a little sparse, it’s time to start acting. Luckily, we’ve rounded up the best ways to tackle, treat and prevent hair loss. From lifestyle changes to regrowth products, these tried-and-tested methods can give your locks the boost they require and help return them to their former glory. All you need to do is take a look at this guide, and you’ll soon know everything you need to about thinning hair and how to make it thicker.

What Does Thinning Hair Look Like?

Hair loss can affect men of all ages. As such, it’s important to know the signs of thinning hair so that you can tackle the problem as it develops. Hair loss in men typically begins around the forehead and on top of the head. Therefore, many men experience a receding hairline as part of the early stages of their hair loss. To determine whether your hairline is receding, try comparing your current hair to a photo from two years ago. Thinning hair on top of the head, on the other hand, can be identified by regularly parting your hair down the middle and seeing how much scalp is revealed.

What Does Thinning Hair Look Like

Why is My Hair Thinning?

It’s important to know the reasons why hair thins out to help prevent it from happening prematurely. While ageing naturally causes hair to thin, other lifestyle factors can also influence the thickness of your locks. Smoking is one such example that can put you at higher risk of becoming bald. Due to their toxins, cigarettes can hinder the blood flow to your follicles, causing thinning. Likewise, as your strands are made up of protein fibres, not enough protein in your diet can also have a significant impact on your hair. Other factors that can contribute to hair thinning include stress, some medications and medical conditions.

Why is My Hair Thinning

Hair Loss in Men

While many factors can contribute to thinness, male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. This gradual reduction in hair typically begins with thinning on the top and sides, which can then spread to the rest of the head. In general, it takes 15 – 25 years for men with male pattern baldness to go completely bald. Although there is no cure at this stage, the hair loss process can be slowed using medication. Other thickening and regrowth methods, as well as an appropriate hairstyle, can also be useful in tackling and disguising this problem.

Hair Loss in Men

How to Thicken Hair

When it comes to making thin hair thicker, combating the issue at the source is often the best option. As such, lifestyle changes can be incredibly useful for preventing and treating hair loss. In particular, your diet can have a significant effect on your hair, so be sure to watch what you eat and drink. Adding more protein, Omega 3, iron and vitamin C to your diet as well as drinking more water and less alcohol can seriously improve the health and growth of your hair. Alternatively, speak to your doctor about taking supplements or hair growth vitamins if you aren’t getting enough nutrients naturally. Due to its power to increase circulation, regular exercise is another factor that can help thicken your hair.

As for your hair itself, be sure to treat it carefully to maintain its health and ability to grow. Not only does this mean that you should use specialised products, but it also requires limiting your use of hairdryers and hot styling tools. As high heat can damage your hair and cause breakage and hair loss, allowing your hair to dry naturally is ideal if you’re looking to thicken your locks. If you must use a dryer, be sure to put it on a low setting and use a heat protectant spray. If, after making these changes, your hair still requires an extra boost, consider trialling natural hair remedies, regrowth treatments and volumising products.

How to Thicken Hair


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